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  • Downloads: 65
  • Recorded: 14/02/2016
  • Length: 0 minute
Eric Taylor
Eric unpacks the highs and lows of Fatherhood
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  • Downloads: 71
  • Recorded: 21/06/2015
  • Length: 32 minutes
Eric Taylor
Pastor Eric unpacks the story of Noah and his Ark over 4 sermons. This week Eric talks about Noah being just a man.
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  • Downloads: 69
  • Recorded: 18/09/2016
  • Length: 0 minute
  • Reference: Genesis 6-9
Eric Taylor
Pastor Eric unpacks the story of Noah and his Ark over 4 sermons. This week Eric talks about Noah being a faithful man.
MP3 Audio
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  • Downloads: 61
  • Recorded: 28/08/2016
  • Length: 35 minutes
  • Reference: Genesis 6-9
Eric Taylor
Pastor Eric unpacks the story of Noah and his Ark over 4 sermons. This week Eric talks about Noah being an obedient man.
MP3 Audio
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  • Downloads: 66
  • Recorded: 11/09/2016
  • Length: 35 minutes
  • Reference: Genesis 6-9
Eric Taylor
Pastor Eric unpacks the story of Noah and his Ark over 4 sermons. This week Eric talks about Noah being a righteous man
MP3 Audio
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128Kbps 1.2MB
  • Downloads: 70
  • Recorded: 04/09/2016
  • Length: 35 minutes
  • Reference: Genesis 6-9